Thursday, January 28, 2010

Saturday, 1/30 at JANM

There's a 90 minute program at JANM Saturday called "Eyewitness to History".  Beyond what's described below, I'm not sure what else is going on, but I do know that Yosh Kuromiya, one of the Heart Mountain Resisters, is going to be there as part of the program, so we're going!
2pm, Saturday, Jan 30, 2010

Art, Culture, & Identity
Eyewitness to History


Eyewitness to History is an educational program where students of all ages can interact with men and women who lived through the history they learn about in their classrooms. In this 90-minute program, students will view the 20-minute documentary Remembering Manzanar, hear first-hand accounts of what life was like for Japanese Americans during World War II, and engage in an active dialogue with the speakers.

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